Die zwei wesentlichen Kriterien, die noch nicht erfüllt wurden, sind das öffentliche Eingeständnis der Ergebnisse des McLaren-Reports, der systematisches Doping in Russland nachgewiesen hat, und der Zugang zum Moskauer Dopingkontrolllabor, um Beweise für die individuellen Verstöße zu sichern.
Um diese Forderungen besser durchsetzen zu können, bedarf es auch einer Reform der WADA. NADA-Geschäftsführer Mag. Michael Cepic: "Es kann nicht sein, dass die NADOs einen Großteil der Anti-Doping Arbeit machen, aber in keinem der Entscheidungsgremien der WADA vertreten sind. Das System kann nur funktionieren, wenn es keine Interessenskonflikte mehr gibt."
Die Aussendung im Englischen Original:
Anti-Doping Leaders call for no compromise on Russia roadmap and the elimination of conflicts of interest in sport
Leaders from 17 leading National Anti-Doping Organisations (NADOs), and iNADO (Institute of National Anti-Doping Organisations), met in London this week to discuss the key threats to clean sport and areas for greater cooperation across the international anti-doping community.
Russia and the WADA roadmap to compliance
On the eve of the FIFA World Cup in Russia, a country which remains non-Code compliant, the Leaders reiterated their firm position that the WADA roadmap must be enforced in its entirety as a condition of Russia’s reinstatement.
Governance and the removal of conflicts of interest
The Leaders are calling for increased accountability for sports and anti-doping organisations. It is paramount that good governance and compliance with anti-doping conventions and standards are upheld.
In the interest of the rights of clean athletes, future sporting programmes must uphold these principles.
In the aftermath of the Russia doping scandal, a call has been made for an Independent Review of its handling. The Leaders strongly support this call. Further to the World Anti-Doping Agency’s (WADA) need to consider such a review, the Leaders shall provide their input.
Supporting Clean Athletes
The Leaders think it is crucial that there must be independent athlete representation within WADA decision making bodies, and that the Anti-Doping Charter of Athlete Rights be incorporated within the Code.
National Anti-Doping Organisations in attendance were: Australia, Austria, Canada, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Japan, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Singapore, UK, USA, and iNADO.